Show me the data !

Blog Post 2

As agencies, we often have to take client briefings at face value. In some cases, we have a feeling we’re missing part of the story. As experts, our role is to see further than our clients, to bring value and build a strong, results-driven marketing and communications plan. How can we bridge the gap?

The answer may be in the data.

For all the talk around us about the accessibility of customer data, one of the major challenges I have encountered over the years is getting clients to USE their existing data. It’s there, it’s available but often, it is not being used to the benefit of the organization.

Many marketers are unsure about what to look for in the data to be able to pull meaningful conclusions.  Data tends to be unknown…a black box that many don’t understand. Conversely, even if people don’t necessarily master strategy as it relates to communications, they can still have an opinion with respect to a creative concept! Not so with data. With data, we don’t understand it, so it’s easier to let it sit. Close our eyes to it and keep moving…

Other times, there simply isn’t a will to dig deep. Perhaps a marketing and communications strategy has been in place for some time and there simply isn’t motivation to ask questions that may change the way things are done within the organization. As an agency, how could you get your clients to start USING their data.

Show me the data !

If you have the capabilities as an agency (or as a Marketer) to analyse the data, that’s the best way for you to demonstrate the gold mine that exists within your client’s database.

Get the data, analyse it and build a plan around it.

Your customer data is your map.

The weakness in a marketing plan can be viewed very clearly in the data. High churn, decreasing purchase patterns…and more.

And by the same token, the strategy that will address the weaknesses in the database will ensure success for your client.

The wonderful thing about data is there are a million and one ways to look at it. When you start digging, it inevitably takes you in unexpected directions.

Start digging.

You will find it more and more difficult to make meaningful customer related organizational decisions without it.

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